It is usually not to bodybuild the right that is the problem, according to many who are struggling to gain weight while working out. But it is to push in the food that they, at a normal life, do not need. And then you have to have supplements to achieve this - with an emphasis on protein powder.
For there are so many more struggling to get enough food and nutrition when they exercise. Not so surprising, since this is a trend that has lasted since the dawn of time. When most people start exercising, they think only for them to lift heavy - and not for them to get enough protein powder. Not very beneficial.
So if you somehow will manage to get in you have enough food, so I think that you need to set up a diet program that you carefully follow. Writing down the number of calories, protein intake and the like may not be necessary in many ways, but take at least it enough to eat as a good motivator to start exercising.
Remember that I struggled to eat enough and get enough protein in my powder at the start. But it was actually the most that I did not know that one should not increase food intake so dramatically that you actually need to put on weight. Buy yourself a protein powder and start to work out!