True as it is written that it was carried out trials in healthy individuals with a view to identifying potential health effects of high intake of proteins. I have read about experiments where they tested a group of people that took about 2 grams of pryour protein per kg. body weight per day. One found nothing to indicate that such consumption was a health hazard.
If there have been experiments with even higher intake I do not know. If not then one can not conclude that an intake of f.esk. 4 grams per kg. body weight is safe.
People with renal insufficiency or other kidney problems should not consume large quantities of protein powder. Many people are writing on the internet that protein powder is unhealthy, but that will only be the thing if you put in a large mount of protein powder in your body. Keep it low, and you will only see good process on the training.
Protein powder is not unhealthy if you use it on the right way.
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