Reading a lot of time on various supplements that will make it one and the other and have effects that are similar to steroids, mostly it's just nonsense. The kostilskuddene that really works is as follows:
1. Fish oil(fish oils)
2. Multi Vitamins (Those who exercise have greater daily needs than those who do not exercise).
3. Protein powder: (Actually the same type, as long as it contains the 8 essential amino acids).
4. Creatine (Mono is good enough, designer creatine is mostly not required).
We need to tell you that protein powder is famous for its good and various effect on people that want to gain weight while they are playing with their bodies.
In addition to these, the following products worth the money:
Foz (phosphate and dextrose for use before, during and after exercise. Provides an incredible pump and allow you to complete a workout without getting so tired, one can feel free to squeeze out an extra couple of sets.)
CLA: (Contains fatty acids that tells the brain that is not in caloriubalanse, causes the body to a greater extent, retain muscle mass while trying to reduce body fat percentage).
UDO's Choice: (Contains all the essential fatty acids, plus some. Necessary for cell membrane construction, then you avoid the protein of muscle cells breaking out again.)
ZMA: Improves recovery time, stimulates hormone production to normal levels, as exercise can decrease testosterone levels.
Calcium: Strengthens bones, increases fat burning, increases the absorption of protein.
Other products that have an individual effect, for some thrown away, for others a marginal effect but high placebo value:
PRO-HGH: Stimulates the production of HGH (Human Growth Hormone). High insulin levels mean low HGH values, that this product will be effective one must be careful how and when to take the grant.
Pro-Ecdysterone: Little research exists, one study suggests that there is little or no effect. Individual differences are significant here, for some, this product has surprising effect on strength and protein powder synthesis.
Chlorella (single-cell algae that contains all the substances, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids and mitrokondri is possible for the body to absorb, unless the product is produced with a" technique.)
Protein powder is the best thing if you need to gain weight while you are training to get in shape. You don't need to train to get in shape, but you have to train to earn some weight. And then you have to use protein powder as a supplement.
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