lørdag 10. august 2013

Protein bars - buy them online

Protein bars - buy them (cheap!) online

I myself have always been a fan of protein-rich drinks, chocolates and other food in relation to training. And the reason for that is that I'm a 23 year old guy who simply have realized that it helps something so amazing at building muscle.

Ever since I started weightlifting, I have tried periods with and without protein bars. And I learned two things from these periods:

1. That one increases weight smoother and better with protein bars than you do without them.

2. That it is cheaper to buy online than in the store.

I have saved a lot of money over the years buying various fitness products online. The reason that I'm saving a lot is usually because I go for the cheapest products - and just when it comes to protein bars (not protein powder), then most of the products are alike and equal in protein mass.

I also buy about 20 protein bars when I first buy them online so I have protein bars for about a month at the time.

The best online shop for protein bars

I have tried several online shops for buying creatine, protein powder and protein bars. And I have to admit that not every one of them deliver fast and have good prices. Well, Muscle & Strength is the best I´ve tried so far.
Get the tools you need to build the body you want at Muscle & Strength!

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